Your voice.
Your message.
Your moment.

Customized communication training
for leaders and experts,
trendsetters and tastemakers.

You want to make a “dent” or a difference.
You want to share your expertise and experience.
You want to have impact.

But, let’s face it. It’s noisy out there.

How do you get the attention of
your organization, audience, community, or team?

And, once you have their attention, how do get your message across?

You need more than a smart idea or the right words
or even a clever anecdote.

You need skillful communication.

Whether you're launching a product, selling an idea, motivating a team,
activating a community, or (quite frankly) negotiating with a toddler,
you’ll need to draw upon a suite of communication skills.

Impactful communication lives at the intersection
of words, voice, body, connection, and presence.

Hello, friend.

I’m Isabelle Anderson, founder & principal teacher at Performance Communication, LLC.

I’ve spent my career and, if I’m honest, my life, fascinated by the human capacity to communicate.

Transferring ideas, experiences, perspectives from one human to another is no small feat. It’s an incredible human power.

To influence. To connect. To convey. To change.

What is it that makes you hang onto a person’s every word, or creates an atmosphere where you could hear a pin drop? Or stirs action, mobilizes a group, or changes people’s minds? It’s far more than words (though words matter.)

What is it that special element that makes a person a great communicator? How do you get that presence, that magnetism?

These are the questions that have prodded my study and practice for years.

And, I don’t want to keep what I’ve learned in this lifelong pursuit to myself.

I want to communicate it, share it with people like you, who know that how you communicate your ideas makes the difference in whether and how those ideas are received and acted upon.

Yes, you can learn to be a masterful communicator and, in turn, make the most of your moment, your message, and your voice.

“Isabelle Anderson has a genius for helping people identify and present their personal style, their essence. She helps you discover and unleash the true you, not the person speaking from the script, but the person speaking from the heart.

Then, you can speak to thousands of people, and yet communicate with everyone as if they’re the only one in the audience, because they sense your authenticity and strength as a leader and your humanity as a person.”


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At your service

  • Coaching for Events

    Personalized, full-service coaching to get you ready to make the most of that big moment.

    Perfect for preparing for a speaking engagement, media interview, or podcast.

  • Coaching for Leaders

    Individualized coaching to help you become a masterful communicator in both formal and informal settings.

    Perfect for executives, experts, movers, and shakers. Or anyone who wants to lead.

  • Training for Groups

    Group training using a proprietary method that takes the mystery out of skillful communication.

    Perfect for businesses and organizations that know that effective communication skills are the lynchpin to individual and enterprise success.

  • Keynote Speaker

    Highly engaging and memorable talks on how to wield the power of communication to make a difference.

    Perfect for audiences up to big things.

“When speaking at work, people often imitate others whose style they admire.

I believe that when you are  skillfully connected to your own unique presence, you can be at your best in those crucial moments when you need to be.”